Where Transformation Happens

Dive into the heart of The Becoming's community through our Belong Groups,
where connections deepen and faith thrives.

Explore Group Directory

Why Belong Groups?

Life transformation happens in the context of community.

Connect deeply

Cultivate your faith

Experience shared support

Reach out with love and purpose

Experience Life In A Belong Group

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Deep Connections

Dive into a vibrant community eager to know and cherish you. Celebrate authentic conversations, shared moments, and friendships that extend well beyond Sunday services.

Faith Flourishing

Deepen your relationship with God, delving into Scripture and its profound relevance to today's world. Grow with fellow seekers, mutually uplifting and guiding each other.

Unified Support and Prayer

Share life's highs and lows. Your group becomes your spiritual sanctuary, offering prayers, encouragement, and unwavering support, reminding you you're never alone.

Unleash Your Potential

Recognize and hone your unique gifts within the group setting. Find joy in serving, and witness the transformative power of your contributions to the community.

Community Outreach

Let your group's love ripple outwards. Engage in initiatives that touch lives, bearing testimony to Christ’s boundless love.

Lead and Influence

Inspired to lead a Belong Group? Begin with our Groups 101, your preparatory step to effective and impactful leadership.

Begin With Groups 101

Equip yourself for success. Join us at the end of every Belong Group Season, preparing for the next chapter.

Gather Your Core

Start with a strong foundation. Gather 4-5 committed friends to form the nucleus of your group, ensuring vitality and commitment from day one.

We’re Here For You

Questions? Insights? Reach out anytime at groups@thebecomingchurch.org. We're with you every step of the way.